thoust art speaks to me
and it tells me that you should stick to writing.
Seriously, remember you're work on the Punisher War Journal monthly written by Matt Fraction, and later collaborated with current writer of the Dark Reign tie-in Rick Remender? I wish I couldn't. I want to blame you but I also kind of blame Fraction for even writing an arc featuring Jigsaw, because I couldn't tell his protege Ian apart from Frank. Maybe the S.H.I.E.L.D agents were reading this monthly so they just got the two mixed up like I did when chasing down a framed-Castle. Can I inquire as to why Frank has a skrull chin on a lot of the panels, as well? Don't get me started on the way you draw hair, either. Also man, I used to think Domino was hot, but when she was written into the comic, she was just a fat pale-white girl with shitty hair that was puffy.
Do you really think that people squint that much? C'mon man!
Oh yeah, remember Wolverine: The End? I'm not even sure what happened in that book. Seriously, even flying bullets look wrong in your art, that's like drawing pictures of far away birds incorrectly, it's just an m, man! Why are the male characters always fat, and the female characters have Liefeld-esque proportions. A girl that skinny wouldn't have boobs that big!
Really dude, I don't mean any disrespect, but I seriously can't read books that you draw on, I feel like my money gets mad because both of us know that it's worth more. Just keep writing, or just do covers, I don't know.

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